This month I’m keen to get you thinking about coaching in terms of 3 C’s – and in particular the third C which the people I work with are often less keen to put on the agenda.
The first C is for COACHING – as you will know by now coaching isn’t telling people what to do. It’s helping them come up with their own solutions by using questions and helping them commit to a plan of what they need to do to improve.
The second C is for CHOICE – even when the plan is in place, the coach needs to make it clear that they now have to make a choice about how committed they are in consistently actioning the plan.
Which brings us to the very important third C – CONSEQUENCE. What would happen if they did nothing? (or so little that the impact is negligible) In sport, consequences are clear cut – no win, no selection, no contract. But what about in business? What are the consequences of someone making the CHOICE not to engage in their development and improve in areas crucial to success?
I’ve found these consequences vary in different organisations, so I’ll leave this decision up to you. But what I will say is that because motivation is so crucial to improving performance, it’s the coaches job (let’s be honest, left to our own devices we can all take the soft option sometimes!) to help make sure any consequences of inaction are crystal clear… without making it seem like a threat!! Not easy to do, but very important.
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