How can you increase your chances of having a conversation that has the impact you want?

If (like me!) having more effective conversations (at home and in the workplace) is one of your New Year’s resolutions then I thought it might be useful to share the idea that successful outcomes are more likely if you have done the following 4 things…

  1. You set aside time to prepare.
  2. You have clarity on the topics you want to discuss.
  3. Based on what you have endeavoured to know about the person you are clear how you will need to shape the interaction (for example if they over or under talk, what you know about how they see the world, if they tend to become very defensive or if any solutions will need to feel like their idea.)
  4. Are you using the conversation to work on something you would like to be better at – taking the opportunity to try something new with a view to either adopt, adapt or discard the approach based on how it goes.

Now this won’t be practical for every conversation… but I know from experience that it can be really useful when you really need to be on your game. I also know that with practice you can use elements of this approach in the moment as situations happen in front of you. Not easy but at least you’ve got a whole year to work on it!!

Very best wishes for more effective interactions in 2024.


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