Top Tips for Parents

RESOURCES FOR Top Tips for Parents

How parents of sporty kids can help put key areas, ‘on the agenda’

Have you ever asked your kids what they need to work on to allow them to improve their performance in sport? I’ve found from experience that they often focus on…Read More

How parents can help their sporty kids learn from their role models

Although I’m a strong believer that parents are crucial role models for their kids, this month I want you to think about what parents can do to make sure their…Read More

Here’s a simple way to measure how effective you’re becoming as a sporting parent…

One of my favourite things to do is run workshops for parents to share ideas about how we can all become more effective at supporting our kids to get the…Read More

Feedback is crucial for parents of sporty kids – you just need to be careful what can happen when you ask!

Here’s a question for you.  Is it a good idea to ask your kids for feedback on your behaviour when you watch them playing sport?  I’m keen to see what…Read More

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