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Some thoughts on how to develop skills (including coaching!!) that are very nuanced…

This comes up often for me – particularly when the coaching focus is to develop the skills experienced people need to allow them to feel they are still progressing and…Read More

Your coaching style – where are you on ‘the answer is within’ continuum?

There’s lots of opinion out there on ‘the best’ coaching style but something I wanted to draw your attention to is the idea that ‘the answer is within’ and given…Read More

How important is understanding someone’s values when you’re coaching?

I think it’s crucial as someone’s values impact how they learn and grow, what they choose to prioritise and the effectiveness of how they interact with and garner support from…Read More

The best way (in my opinion!) to make a connection to someone new…

I used to find it quite stressful when I met someone I didn’t know. Most of the time I struggled beyond – “what do you do?”, and my lack of…Read More

  • And what we do works....

    Our success is built on strong relationships with our clients while creating a bespoke approach to meet their needs. We know our clients are very happy to share their stories of the impact we've made, so please get in touch and we will connect you.

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