Here’s something that might be useful. I had a golf lesson recently and one of the key elements of the session was to check my fundamentals – things like my posture, alignment and grip.
Those of you who play golf will be familiar with this. Subtle things you’re not consciously aware of can affect your fundamentals – stiffness, fatigue or stress for example – which can lead to hitting poor shots. Fixing the problem can be a challenge (no coaching allowed on competition day!) and being able to recognise and check the fundamentals that are most likely to be causing the issue can save you a lot of heartache on the course!
This got me thinking. If I wanted to regularly check my coaching fundamentals – the little things that might be a bit ‘off’ without me realising – what would they be? I worked out I would check if I’m consistently…
How will I check them? I’m still fine-tuning how to do that but what I would say is that giving this some thought has been a really useful process – particularly in recognising that my coaching fundamentals are more robust in some situations (with certain people!) than others. That’s always good to know!!
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