Stanger Pro Insights - Are you falling into the trap of thinking you’re better than you are?

Are you falling into the trap of thinking you’re better than you are?

I love the fact that when surveyed, 80% of people think they’re an above average driver! Not only does this make me smile but it also highlights the important point that some skills are hard to measure. But unless we can define and measure how good we are (is having no accidents a good measure of your driving?) how do we know if what we’re doing to improve is working?

Which brings me to coaching. When I work with people to develop their coaching skills I always start with how we will measure progress. If I can help people see progress they are much more likely to continue to commit to the learning process. How do I do it?

In true Insights style I want you to think about this first. How do you know if you’re any good at coaching?

To help you, here’s how I would know if you’re any good based on how you respond to the following questions

  • How many coaching conversations have you had this week? (hint: little and often is key).
  • Talk me through the process you use to drive ongoing improvements in your coaching.
  • Tell me how you assess YOUR impact on the performance of others.
  • And finally, tell me about the people you coach and why they can or can’t step up to the next level.

I wonder if 80% of people think they’re an above average coach? A more important question for me is how would you know?

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